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« How Green Is My Tally? | Main | Mmmm, Microwaved Squid »



If you want to win this contest, here's a tip for you! (I hope you catch onto this before your opponent does, because she said something about her next post being about food.) As I posted on my blog http://its-obvious.blogspot.com, the UN released a scientific study showing that we do more to help the environment by switching to a vegan diet than by switching to a hybrid car. I personally am a RAW vegan (I wanted to put the word raw in italics, but there was no such option in this comment form), and I do believe that's the healthiest way to eat (plus the chef-created recipes taste great). But because I want to help save the earth, I encourage planet-minded people by all means to go (non-raw) vegan. Maybe some day you'll look into raw vegan.

Judy Pokras



A couple of random, stream of consciousness sort of thoughts here . . . .

First skip the CF bulbs. Those are so yesterday afternoon! Leapfrog the competition and pony up for some LED bulbs. Not only are they more dimmable, but they last a heck of a lot longer. Further, typically they use a fraction of the energy required by those old CF bulbs. Now, I don't know the chemicals required to make LED fixtures and bulbs, so I'm not 100% sure about the "net" environmental impact, but, if I remember correctly isn't there a bit of Mercury in CF's? So when they do break, or burn out, where does that go? Just a thought.

Also, to be perfectly fair, since you live in a big city, you should have to account for the heat plution that a massive city produces just from all of the concrete and asphalt that you walk around on each day. I guess it's just hard to get away from being environmentally slack in modern society.

I heard Gore say that the planet has a fever . . . so does that make us a viral or a bacterial infection?

John Lickalatapus

The problem with you tree huggers is that you take things to far. Yah the world is not perfect but, somethings are ment for a reason. We are carnivors. I have some sausage for you to stuff.

John Lickalatapus

The problem with you tree huggers is that you take things to far. Yah the world is not perfect but, somethings are ment for a reason. We are carnivors. I have some sausage for you to stuff.


Ok, that tree hugger thing was just rude. Not to mention the sausage reference. The problem with extremes of opinion on either side of the question, you can always come up with some sort of counter argument, however absurd. It's all a bit like statistics. If you leave out the right facts, you can make an argument to support just about anything.

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