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I would love a DS application this powerful, it's too bad Nintendo doesn't grow some brains and fall down on their knees begging for this.


this looks great, nintendo should publish it, but i saw there is no direct way to safe to your own (computer via wifi) only via the authors website thats bad. This could be very handy as sketch book.
this probably will make me buy a dslite if it comes on the market, just tell nintendo this is the app older people want , i just read some were they were aiming at an older audiance for theire stuff so this fits perfect.

Philip Dahl

I just bought the Brain Age 2 DS lite red and matte black, and I am bummed that there isn't a drawing program like this, I would really like to know how I could get this homebrew software. could someone please tell me???


Once this is released I would definitely buy a DS Lite.

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Yea this looks amazing ! Very cool post thx !


this will make me not want to return my ds cause i am getting so bored with it this should be released a sketchbook that weighs less then a pound i want it


I look forward to using this application.

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Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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this part of the blog "Most impressive and surprising, though, was artist and software designer Bob Sabiston's still-under-development paint and animations application for the Nintendo DS." It was very interasante, thanks for the information!

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Great idea! I've played Nintendo for years and really loved the DS. This type of games can really give a boost to the User experience. Now we can stop drawing with pencil and scan it to the computer, we can just DS it!


school is to introduce Nintendo DS to be used by junior high and elementary students!
is anybody knows this excited news


nice idea, Now we can stop drawing with pencil and scan it to the computer!ha``

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This is going to be a great deal of fun, which is one of the things I love about both shows - the sense of playfulness with the genre. Seems like they're going to make good use of Fargo's history of working with AIs with personality issues, a nifty choice to hang a plot around. Looking forward to it!

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that is really cool & innovate, may be this will help kids become more artistic & creative

Pole Trailers

It makes me wonder what the next version of the gamboy will look like since alot of kids are buying the ipod touch & the ipad more than gameboys


that is really cool, I cant gait to get it

Mario Games

The nintendo 3ds is much much better then this. Wait till you get you hands on one, you'll hold it like it's gold.

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Wow...very technologically forward. Can't wait to see what they come up with next!

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I completely share your view points when it comes to this topic. I thought I was the alone who maneuver such a thinking process. But yeah finally I have got a company. Let’s search more on this and share over her. What say??

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better than the new 3ds. I do like how nintendo is branding itself though... much different that the last generation of consoles/ portables.

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Awesome! Can't wait to check this out!

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i love it thanks


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