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free ipod touch

I really want to buy a Macbook air now :P

Some Guy

the price for the MacBook Air with the SSD and 1.8ghz processor is $3099. SSDs are still quite pricey...


Good product, but the price is not right. If they do something about the price, it'll sell like hot cakes.

Ipod Touch Owner

What is your take on buying the twenty dollar ipod touch upgrade as opposed to jail-breaking the ipod for free and gaining the ability to play games and use certain applications without the use of wifi



Philip Grimm

Now that they have truly significant features in a small package, they can start to do something that is equally necessary:

The computer needs to be encased in a small lightweight exoskeleton strong enough to survive being driven over by a truck.


lately it's best to wait...first the iphone price drop, now $20 for itouch applications that are free with current shipping...perhaps if we wait 6 weeks the air will be a few hundred lower too...hopefully anyway....

Chris Reed

You got to be kidding, right? This is pure publicity stunt. So what if it is 1/2 an inch thinner then the Sony TZ series is at it's thickest. The MacBook Air does not have a built in optical drive, no built in Ethernet port for those hotel stays that don't offer WiFi and only 1 USB port that will often be tied up connecting the peripherals that are built into the Sony that it chose to compare itself to. Apple managed to remove these key components and still weigh a little MORE than the base line Sony TZ series. Have 20 GB less memory, 3 hours LESS battery time and cost about same after you ad on the peripherals you will need. I think the initial sales will be high while the hype is high, but in the end this will lower Apple's stock.

Claude Baines

no kidding.. sure, you can always out spec a Mac.. but you'll not likely out perform it.. and you dang sure ain't gonna out-cool it!!


First a corection on the the report for the iPhone. you now get up to nine (9) home screens to go through not Nine new web clips.

If you go to Apple.com and look at the options you can purchase a CD/DVD burner for $99 and/or an adapter for Eathernet for $29.

The SSD is a $999 Upgrade for a 64 Gb drive.

As to why by a Mac Vs. a PC. Buy a mac for there reliability, you get what you pay for.

Please visit http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/keynote/
Before make any coments that you you may or may not know about the new Mac products.


Too expensive for massive sales. However, I'm sure the MacBook Air version 2.0 WILL be a killer (we'll have to wait some months). This is model ONE of an interesting series of new laptops. A first step of the run. In spite of its shortcomings Apple again sets the new standard of what MUST be a computer. Good for the competition!


It looks Cool, though I think the price needs to go down!


Yeah, and it kinda needs more features.

Windows DExTEr

Um yea the mac book air looks good sure it has a thin base, but it does not have a cd rom drive, one usb port (average consumer requires three), horrible battery life, and to the commmenter Claude Baines it is supposed to be a labtop not a desktop where you plug in all kinds of different peripherals. You could get the same system for the same price from sony thats alittle bigger that includes 4gigs of ram, vista ultimate, ethernet adapter, amazing incandescent 15 inch hd screen
cdrom/dvdrom/bluray/, and 400 gig hard drive with quad core processor for the same price
you would have to be a fool to choose apple over this

Some Guy

I'll keep this computer in mind in case, for some reason, all I have for a laptop case is a manila envelope.
I agree with Chris -- As if 1/2 an inch is really gonna make a difference. There are plenty of lappys out there thinner than a standard schoolbook.
The only other things this laptop has over others are the multitouch interface (diappointed that there aren't more of those out there) and the hype.
If people are gonna settle for an inferior product, feature-wise, because it's 'cool', they can go ahead.


For my understanding, MacBook Air is gear towards people who has another computer already. You can use your other Mac or Pc's optical drive via Air wirelessly. Everything about the Air is wireless. You backup wirelessly and you should have wireless printer as well. That single USB just comes handy. No one should buy the Air as their first ever computer or first ever MAC. Sure it's not perfect and pricy. But every new product out there in the market is for those I-must-have-the-latest people. A lot of people still using their PC mind set to judge a Mac. Remeber, MAc is not gear towards PC users although it can run Windows very well.

SCIENCE AND SCIENTIST - Inquiring into the Origin of Matter and Life

We thought you might be interested --

Inquiring into the Origin of Matter and Life
January-March 2008

Bhaktivedanata Institute's latest quarterly newsletter
is now available online.

You can download the January-March 2008 issue from:

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What's it about?

Modern science has generally been directed toward investigating
the material world, excluding consideration of the conscious
scientist who is essential to the whole process, since, of
course, the very existence of the scientific endeavor itself
depends upon consciousness. Complete scientific knowledge must
consequently include both objective science and subjective

In addition to other programs, Bhaktivedanta Institute's Science
and Scientist Newsletter is humbly offered to inspire scientists
and scholars to contribute their sincere efforts toward
developing this grand synthesis. The result will be valuable not
only for helping to better understand the "hard" problems of
science such as the nature and origin of life and the cosmos, the
mind-brain connection, artificial intelligence, etc. But the
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interfaith dialog will also benefit from a more inclusive
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In our modern era science and religion are the predominating
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the potential to expand our conception of reality and advance
human knowledge in the new millennium, in which it is said the
study of life will be pre-eminent. Let us welcome the dawn of
that new epoch with great hope and determined endeavor.
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free macbook air

i must get a macbook airrrrrrr!

Gadgets and Electronics

Still the price is a bit too spicy, macbook is one of the greatest designs for notebooks, but far too expensive for its characteristics.

Daymon A Balser

I best it's much easier to travel with than my current laptop! The less weight the better at airports.

x-ray fluorescence

Cool product.The computer needs to be encased in a small lightweight exoskeleton strong enough to survive being driven over by a truck.


I hate macbook air. Oh wow they are so cool they can fit in an envelope NOT THEY are so weak. slow processing speed and all you can do is brows the internet and listen to your stupid itunes. Also you know when you hear the mac vs PC how pc always says new things but the mac always say, I am going to do this on i............
mac=1 for browsing the internet
ha ha ha

also go check out my blog at


I hate macbook air. Oh wow they are so cool they can fit in an envelope NOT THEY are so weak. slow processing speed and all you can do is brows the internet and listen to your stupid itunes. Also you know when you hear the mac vs PC how pc always says new things but the mac always say, I am going to do this on i............
mac=1 for browsing the internet
ha ha ha

also go check out my blog at

Raghavendra Comment

Good I have interest in it

Daymon The Basketeere

Great info Thanks!

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