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I doubt that'll really kill the Wii (driving? shooting?) but it'll make Wii SPORTS look stupid.

the chad

This has much deeper implications then gaming. People largely play video games to relax and enjoy doing lots of cool stuff without all the effort. This could be a revolutionary leap for virtual worlds. holodeck anyone?

Christopher Mims

That is sick. I hate the imperfect tracking of the Wii. I'd play virtual boxing all day long if it actually knew where my damn fists were.


Doesn't the PS3's Eye Toy 2 (or whatever they call it) claim to already be able to do that?


looking for Cheap Wii Games


Wii Game World

They need to improve the tracking big time! Especially when you consider how much you pay for the wii.

Allan Mitz

yeah, i've already seen the primary vid about this. it's so cool to have this latest technology and i nver believed that they could make a wireless one. but i'd say it will be no use for other games and that it's usage will be diefinitely limited since you're playing wireless games such as boxing, dancing, etc. but how cah you play tennis, and other sports that in reality can only be played with an accessory. so i think that's the cacth there. but if the price won't be that high, i'd have another thought on buying one. Wii downloads Sites

snes roms

Project Natal anyone ? :)

comments system

This is bad..Completely imperfect tracking. They must have to improve the tracking. I just hate the careless people and love the peoples who work with proper time table.

business card scanner

It is sick one. I think they should have to improve their way of tracking.Especially when you consider how much you pay for the wii.

medical records management

3DV system is under progress.I like the concept behind 3DV and i think 3DV going to create competition for Wii but i also believe that sports doesn't seem cool in this format.I am looking forward to see the implementation of 3DV. All the very best..hope it work well

software testing services

3DV system shows how we can use technology in our routine or interested areas.I like the video you shown here in this post.Its nice.i like the idea of 3DV system..Want to try it on my games also.I think it work with them also.

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